We’re looking for reseller partners in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and south-east Asia.

Here at Harbour Assist we’ve had our busiest-ever year. In the last three months the software has been implemented at 15 new sites, with another seven marinas signing-up for roll-out over the next quarter. Enquries are coming in, and we’re looking for partners to help us build a sustainable business.

Significant growth

Since launching in 2016, take-up of Harbour Assist has steadily grown among coastal and inland marinas, commercial harbours and boatyards. There are now more than 100 sites using Harbour Assist for day-to-day operations, with well over 200,000 customer accounts under management. To put this into perspective, in July alone marinas sent 46,525 customer emails through the system.

We have seen a significant increase in enquiries and sign-ups over the last few months Harbour Assist Commercial Director, Nick Gill, said. This appears to be driven partly by investment activities in marina and waterside sites, and partly by marina managers demanding faster access to better-quality data about their facilities.”

What we’re looking for

We’re looking for country-spcific partners in Australia, across Europe, in New Zealand and south-east Asia. The partner could be a reseller or distributor, and will be responsibile for sales and customer support.

The perfect partners will be based in the target country, have an in-depth understanding of marinas and boatyards, good contacts and great customer service.

While our perfect partner wouldn’t need to be a software (SaaS) expert, we are looking for a company or individual with experience of technical products and an ability to train and support customers in-market.


If you’d like to talk about this opportunity in a bit more detail, email Nick direct [email protected]