Malahide Marina: full-service marina and boatyard

Malahide Marina in Ireland has 350 berths and a busy full-service boatyard with 180 spaces ashore.

Located north of Dublin city centre in the picturesque village of Malahide, the marina is popular with local boat owners and visitors from both sides of the Irish Sea. And with excellent facilities, a short walk to bars and shops, expansive views over Dublin Bay and only 4 miles from the airport, it’s not hard to see why.

Smoothing the day-to-day management

Harbour Assist helps to ‘smooth the management’ of the marina and yard for day-to-day operations and long term planning. “We’re not just a marina,” explained Gregor McGuckin, Operations Manager, “With the boatyard as well, there are lots of elements moving at the same time, and we need to keep track of what’s where.”

The team at Malahide Marina like the fact they can take the system with them to the pontoons or yard: “We can keep on top of things using Harbour Assist on phone or tablet when we’re out and about” said Gregor.

Malahide Marina signed up to Harbour Assist last year, but the complications of Covid delayed go-live until spring 2021. Since then, Gregor and the team have used Harbour Assist for the annual contract renewals and movement of vessels between the yard and marina. As the Irish Covid restrictions have lifted, they’ve hosted the first big event for local boats and are looking forward to welcoming visitors from more distant shores as the restrictions ease.

“We can keep on top of things using Harbour Assist on a phone or tablet when we’re out and about”

For more information about Malahide Marina, visit

How can we help your business?

If you’d like to talk about how Harbour Assist can help smooth your business,  email Nick direct [email protected]